Seconds of the 72nd Indonesian Independence Proclamation in Doloksanggul

Seconds of the 72nd Indonesian Independence Proclamation in Doloksanggul. Present at the 72nd Indonesian Independence Day were Humbahas Regent Dosmar

Independence is not a gift or a gift that is received for free, but independence can be achieved by the National Heroes with hard struggles and extraordinary sacrifices. For the realization of the nation's noble goals, namely protecting the entire Indonesian nation and all Indonesian bloodlines, advancing public welfare, educating the nation's life and participating in carrying out world order based on independence, eternal peace and social justice.

This was conveyed by the Regent of Humbahas Dosmar Banjarnahor SE in a ceremony commemorating the seconds of the 72nd Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia, Thursday (17/8) at Tanah Lapang Merdeka, Doloksanggul. The Regent said again, the independence of the Republic of Indonesia has been 72 years, until now the Indonesian nation and state still exist, develop and be strong. When we reflect on the historical journey of the nation's struggle for independence, we should express our highest gratitude and respect to the warriors of the nation's heroes. Who has struggled with body and soul in seizing independence from the invaders, even though it comes down to drops of blood and tears.

Heroes and fighters who have fallen for independence, it is fitting for the Indonesian people to fill that independence with real works. The commemoration of the 72nd Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia in 2017 takes the theme "Indonesia Working Together". The content of the theme emphasizes three (3) main points, namely that all state administrators, both as executive, judiciary and legislative in carrying out their functions, can work together to serve the community. So that all components of society and stakeholders together with the government unite and play an active role in supporting governance in the implementation of development. Then so that all levels of society can improve their lives together to accelerate the rate of economic growth and strengthen the fabric of love and care between layers of society from remote villages to cities.

Humbahas Regent Dosmar Banjarnahor SE also said Humbang Hasundutan Regency was 14 years old on July 28, 2017. Humbang Hasundutan can be proud of the various achievements obtained. The Humbang Hasundutan Regency Government has tried to fill independence by making development efforts in all sectors. However, there are still many needs of the Humbang Hasundutan community that need to improve their services while still referring to and based on the motto of the Humbang Hasundutan Regency, namely "Work Hard, Work Smart and Work Seriously". Development in Humbahas will be carried out carefully by setting a priority scale starting with improving the bureaucratic government system towards good governance and clean governance. So that the government's vision towards a great Humbang Hasundutan Regency and a superior mentality can be realized.

During the ceremony, the Regent expressed his gratitude to all ranks of the Humbahas Regency Government apparatus both on duty in districts, sub-districts and villages who have worked and worked seriously in administering the wheels of government. Implementation of community development and services. The Regent appealed to continue to foster cooperation, continue to increase dedication and real work through professionalism, productivity and discipline as well as work ethic in accordance with their respective main tasks and functions. Thanks are also conveyed to the TNI, Polri and all elements of society so that Humbang Hasundutan Regency remains in a cool, conducive and humble situation and condition.

Especially for the younger generation and the children of students who are still in elementary, junior high, high school including students to really prepare themselves as future leaders of the nation and future generations. Avoid social ills such as drug abuse, liquor and gambling. Avoid acts of violence and contention. One more thing that is important is to stick to the motto "work hard, work smart and work seriously".

The Regent of Humbahas Dosmar Banjarnahor also invited the Humbang Hasundutan community both in Bona Pasogit and overseas to join hands in accelerating the development process and supporting each other to strengthen each other on the basis of bonds of love such as the Batak Dalihan Natolu motto, namely Somba Marhula-hula, Elek Marboru, Manat Mardongan Tubu . This can be applied in the implementation of the wheels of government through the existing mechanism, namely deliberation to formulate the scale of development priorities while still referring to the existing rules and regulations. Avoid personal and group interests but create togetherness through community empowerment activities to build the nation and Humbang Hasundutan Regency. Protect and preserve natural resources by prioritizing the importance of structuring the environment as well as maintaining and preserving all the results of development for future generations to enjoy.

As a form of loyalty to the homeland, at the end of his speech, the Regent of Humbahas, Dosmar Banjarnahor SE, with great enthusiasm and excitement, said three times greetings for the struggle of Indonesia, namely Merdeka.... Freedom……… Freedom. The 72nd Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia in 2017. Before the Regent of Humbahas delivered his remarks, Paskibra first raised the red and white flag and it went smoothly.

During the proclamation, the Regent of Humbahas Dosmar Banjarnahor SE appeared as a ceremony inspector with the ceremonial commander of the Doloksanggul Police Chief AKP Bazoka. The proclamation was read by the Chairman of the DPRD Humbahas Manaek Hutasoit AMd.

Various activities in the 72nd Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia were carried out, including the performance of the Raja Sisingamangara drama, marching band performances from various school units at the PAUD, SD and SMP levels so that the atmosphere of independence could be felt by all elements of society. Not only that, the handover of the Satyalancana Karya Satya honor to government officials in the Humbang Hasundutan Regency Government was also given to 426 people. Satyalancana Karya Satya xxx in 163 people, xx in 128 and x in 135 people. The Satyalancana Karya Satya sign of honor was directly attached to the Regent of Humbahas Dosmar Banjarnahor SE, while the certificate was handed over by the Deputy Regent of Humbahas Saut Parlindungan Simamora. Trophies, certificates and coaching money to the winners of the 2017 Posyandu cadre competition at the Humbang Hasundutan Regency level were also handed over. 1st place in the Sehati Posyandu from Sigalogo Village, Onanganjang District in the work area of the Onanganjang Health Center, 2nd place in Plamboyan Posyandu in Pasaribu Doloksanggul Village in the work area of Matiti Health Center and 3rd place in Pinus I Posyandu in Simarigung Village, Doloksanggul District in the working area of Saitnihuta Health Center. The trophies, certificates and coaching money were handed over by the Regent Humbang Hasundutan together with the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum accompanied by the TP PKK.

Present at the 72nd Indonesian Independence Day were Humbahas Regent Dosmar Banjarnahor SE, Humbahas Deputy Regent Saut Parlindungan Simamora, Humbahas Kajari Humbahas Zaidar Rasepta SH MM, Humbahas Police Chief AKBP Nicolas Ary Lilipaly SIK, Humbahas DPRD Chairman Manaek Hutasoit, Humbahas DPRD Deputy Chairman Jimmy T Purba SE, Regional Secretary Saul Situmorang SE MSi, Pabung 0210/TU Major Junaedi Tarigan, Deputy Chairperson of Tarutung District Court Eko Julianto SH, Chairperson of PKK TP Mrs Lidia Kristina Dosmar Banjarnahor, Deputy Chairperson of PKK TP Mrs Tiur Mariati Saut Parlindungan Simamora, DWP Chair Mrs Betty Saul Situmorang , religious leaders, community leaders and various elements of society including LVRI.

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